Tax Obligations

Understanding your U.S. Income Tax Requirement

As an International Student, you will have a tax filing requirement that will be part of maintaining a valid visa status. Whether you receive income or not from Williams College, your Tax Residency Status must be correct. Williams College offers a free tax software system Sprintax to assist you with this required process.

International students, faculty, and staff are legally required to file a tax return for every year they are in the United States. Sprintax Calculus System helps students and scholars ensure the necessary paperwork is on file so that the correct amount of tax can be calculated on all taxable income they receive from the college (including scholarship income) and the correct amount of income is reported to the American tax authorities (IRS).

Why should you file a tax return?

Everyone living in the US, including F-1 and J-1 students, must file income tax forms whether they earn money in the US or not. 

  • The most important reason to file a return is that it is a legal requirement in the US. Failure to file may impact the status of your current visa and make future US visa applications difficult.
  • Avoid penalties. If you miss the tax filing deadline, you may face late filing penalties. Filing prior to this date prevents this.  The earlier you file, the better.
  • You may be owed a tax refund!  Many international students filing a tax return are due a tax refund for overpaid tax. It’s worth checking if you are due a refund.

There are two types of tax returns:

  • State tax return: Massachusetts nonresidents have to file an MA state tax return only if their Massachusetts source income was more than $8,000 in the last calendar year.
  • Federal tax return: If you did not work or receive any income in the US, you must file Form 8843.  If you worked or received a stipend, grant, or allowance in the US, you may need to file Form 1040NR.

You must file federal and most state taxes by the mid-April deadline.  If you request an extension to file your tax return and owe money but do not pay by the April deadline, you will be charged monthly interest on the initial amount you owe.

How to file a tax return?

Check out this quick Sprintax guide!

  • Once you receive the email with the subject “Welcome to Williams - Sprintax Activation Information to Determine Tax Residency” please follow the link to create your account and complete details regarding your "Personal Data", "Contact Details", "Tax Forms Info", "ITIN Questions and Payments".  There is an interactive chat feature within Sprintax Calculus which will help to answer questions as you navigate the system. If you do not have an active link, please reach out to Zack Szpila [email protected].

    IMPORTANT: the link will be active only for 24 hours, please make sure to take quick action.

    1. Passport, visa, I-20
    2. Entry and exit dates for current and past visits to the U.S.
    3. Social Security Number
    4. 1042-S, for scholarship and grant funds you received through the College
      1. This form is used to report:
        1. Stipend, scholarship, fellowship income, and travel grants (not tuition reduction or exemption)
        2. Income covered by a tax treaty
        3. Payment for other types of services (eg by the semester as a note-taker)
      2. If you receive this type of income, the 1042-S will be provided to you by 31 March.
      3. Note: Only Nonresident tax filers receive this form. If your tax status changes to a Resident you will not get a 1042-S. Login to Sprintax to check your tax status if you’re not sure.
    5. W-2, if you worked in the US and earned wages
      1. This form reports your wage earnings if you worked. If you had more than one employer you should get a W-2 from each employer. It is issued by the end of January for the previous year. Make sure all employers from last year have an up-to-date address for you.
    6. 1095-B, the federal health insurance statement (required for federal taxes)
    7. 1099-HC, a Massachusetts state health insurance statement (required for MA state taxes)
    8. 1099, if any
      1. This form reports miscellaneous income. Can be interest on bank accounts, stocks, bonds, dividends, and earnings through freelance employment

    *The forms needed to file your taxes may differ depending on your individual tax circumstances. You must also have a Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

  • Follow the Sprintax instructions and enter the unique institutional code (ISS will provide via Newsletter) in the "Review your order" page to remove the charge from your account.

  • Follow the Sprintax instructions and enter the unique institutional code (ISS will provide via Newsletter) in the "Review your order" page to remove the charge from your account.

  • Once you complete the preparation process in the Sprintax software, you may need to print, sign, and mail your documents to the IRS. Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to E-file your Federal tax return. However, this will depend on certain eligibility criteria and you can learn more about eligibility in this Sprintax article.

    If you have a state filing requirement, you must also mail this to the tax authorities. Finally, if you only need to file Form 8843, this will also need to be mailed to the IRS.

    • College details: Williams College 880 Main Street Williamstown MA 01267 (413) 597-3131
    • Program director details: Ninah Pretto 880 Main Street Williamstown MA 01267 (413) 597-4171
    • If you are due a tax refund from the IRS, utilize direct deposit (transfer to a US bank account) to ensure the timely delivery of your refund.
    • The college does not pay for post-filing services. If you do not wish to purchase Post-Filing Services answer “No thanks!” in the final review section.
    • Keep copies of your completed tax return for your records.

For questions about your tax documents from Williams, email Amy Russell, Payroll Systems Manager at [email protected] and Zack Szpila, Payroll Coordinator at  [email protected].

ISS is not able to provide tax advice as we are not tax professionals. If you have any questions related to your individual case, the Sprintax team will be happy to help via their 24/7 Live Chat facility.